Life on the Vine

Learning from Jesus to live my life as he would live my life if he were I - Dallas Willard

Monday, May 22, 2006


I'm thankful for grace. Yes - in the large-scale, God's acts of grace in the world and of my sin grace, but I'm also thankful for smaller acts of grace.

Like today. I had a library book due last week, but I left town and didn't renew it. I tried to renew it online, but my library card had expired so it wouldn't let me. I was a little frustrated, but then realized that the penalty I would pay to the library ($1 or so) didn't even begin to compare to what I recieve from the library. I borrow books all of the time from them.

So this morning I went to renew my card and pay my fine. I asked the woman helping me if she could renew my book for me (even though it was overdue), and told her that I had tried, but couldn't because of the expiration of my card while I was out of town. She renewed my book and took away the $1 fine. I walked out of there thinking, 'Wow. That was neat.'

Somehow, the smaller acts of human grace remind me of the large-scale grace.

Currently Reading: Some Mitford book (I forget which one I'm on)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A great week

Last week I was back at Cedar Campus, and probably had my favorite job ever - taking care of little Charlotte. It was the week that Case Western (the school that Laura staffs) was at camp. The great thing was that Laura was still on maternity leave, Rick staffed their exec, and I hung out with them and the baby.

Each day we would hang out, take naps, and read. My favorite times were when Charlotte would sleep and I would get to hold her. So cute. This little girl stole my heart.

Charlotte and Aunt Carole

Her hat makes her ears stick out - a little like Dopey :)

There are those big eyes!