Life on the Vine

Learning from Jesus to live my life as he would live my life if he were I - Dallas Willard

Monday, May 22, 2006


I'm thankful for grace. Yes - in the large-scale, God's acts of grace in the world and of my sin grace, but I'm also thankful for smaller acts of grace.

Like today. I had a library book due last week, but I left town and didn't renew it. I tried to renew it online, but my library card had expired so it wouldn't let me. I was a little frustrated, but then realized that the penalty I would pay to the library ($1 or so) didn't even begin to compare to what I recieve from the library. I borrow books all of the time from them.

So this morning I went to renew my card and pay my fine. I asked the woman helping me if she could renew my book for me (even though it was overdue), and told her that I had tried, but couldn't because of the expiration of my card while I was out of town. She renewed my book and took away the $1 fine. I walked out of there thinking, 'Wow. That was neat.'

Somehow, the smaller acts of human grace remind me of the large-scale grace.

Currently Reading: Some Mitford book (I forget which one I'm on)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
» »

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Carole. Found you through Lisa's blog. Hope NSO is going well!

3:01 PM  

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