Life on the Vine
Learning from Jesus to live my life as he would live my life if he were I - Dallas Willard
Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Saving Time
One of my favorite days...getting that extra hour! Do you ever wonder, like I do:
- Who is the last person to remember daylight savings time?
- - Who changes all of the clocks in the clock store?
- How does it work with all of the bus/train/plane schedules? And peoples work schedules? And TV stations?
Actually, I know the answer to the last question. In college I was really curious, so I stayed up and watched the 'What's On' channel at 2am. It was surreal - the top part of the screen read '2am, 2:30am, 2am, 2:30am' and repeated the same shows at both 2am hours....
I love daylight savings time (in the fall, that is). All day I have fun thinking that it's an hour earlier than it actually is. In my mind, it's just after 6pm right now. I just had dinner later because it's not really later, it's on time. I'm able to go to a later movie tonight because of it. I change all of the clocks (including the one in my car) before I go to bed. Now that I think about it, I'm probably the most obsessed person with daylight savings time...
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Pumpkin Carving

Yesterday I took part in one of my favorite Halloween activities - pumpkin carving. It was great! After dinner I helped Abby design and carve her pumpkin, followed by cutting out Abraham's goulish gourd. A highlight for me was using their new pumpkin-carving tool - a battery operated saw that cut out eyes, ears, noses and mouths so accurately and quickly.
It's so fun to take part in these daily life activities with the kids. Abraham is still at that age where he's not afraid to sit on a grown-up's lap and grab your hand, and tell me about how he cut his hand once with a knife, but that he's also gotten cut with a leaf and that was much, much worse. Nicholas kept adding to his Jack-O-Lantern - I didn't pay close attention to him and all of a sudden Noah's Ark was being blown up by bombs (and this was part of the pumpkin). Thankfully, his parents are ok with his theologically inaccurate creation (well, mom is ok, I wasn't there to see dad's reaction...).
Can't wait till Monday - Trick-Or-Treating with the kids!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
On Moving
So, why the switch? Honestly, it's about asthetics. I'm convinced, blogger is prettier. As a bonus - anyone can post comments.
Comment away.
Currently Reading: Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich