Confession: when I was asked to speak at EMU’s InterVarsity chapter a few weeks back one of the things that was most appealing about the invitation was the knowledge that I would be able to ‘hang out’ with Lauren Winner in the days before the talk. For those of you who haven’t heard me rave about Lauren, I’ll spare you the details (but browse through my blog from last January for a little perspective).
My topic for Tuesday is sexuality, so I’ve been skimming Lauren’s book Real Sex: the naked truth about chastity. I’ve been impressed again about Lauren’s insight, truthfulness and the fact that she's a good author! Her challenge to live in community and examine the lies that our culture and the church tell us about sex are still a breath of fresh air, even though I've read them before.
I’m hoping not to give the same-old sex talk on Tuesday. I’m also hoping (and praying) to challenge these eager students to pursue Jesus’ call to live radically as citizens of the Kingdom.
I'm off to work on my talk while Amy studies. I appreciate having a job where work can be done in a variety of contexts, and having good friends in grad school that need to study!
Currently Reading:
My topic for Tuesday is sexuality, so I’ve been skimming Lauren’s book Real Sex: the naked truth about chastity. I’ve been impressed again about Lauren’s insight, truthfulness and the fact that she's a good author! Her challenge to live in community and examine the lies that our culture and the church tell us about sex are still a breath of fresh air, even though I've read them before.
I’m hoping not to give the same-old sex talk on Tuesday. I’m also hoping (and praying) to challenge these eager students to pursue Jesus’ call to live radically as citizens of the Kingdom.
I'm off to work on my talk while Amy studies. I appreciate having a job where work can be done in a variety of contexts, and having good friends in grad school that need to study!
Currently Reading:

I will be thinking about you and praying for you tonight.
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