
I also like people to ask me a lot of questions. I've found that I generally divulge information only when asked. My perspective is that if people want to know something about me, they'll ask. What I have a hard time remembering is that the opposite can be true of people (if someone wants to talk about themselves, they will). I probably don't realize the many times I think people don't want to know about me because they aren't asking, and that people think I don't want to tell them about me because I'm not revealing. Hmmmmm....
I also like asking questions of others. This summer (while in China) I asked a lot of questions. I made it a point to, but didn't fully realize how many questions I asked until the US students started pointing it out. It turned out to be a helpful way to enter into the cross-cultural relationships, and US students were challenged to continue to engage and ask questions of their language partner. I found out so much about China by asking questions!
Questions are important. And good questions are even better. Any questions?
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