Life on the Vine

Learning from Jesus to live my life as he would live my life if he were I - Dallas Willard

Monday, September 25, 2006


This reappearance is due to several causes (it takes several to make me reappear)
- Kat 'tagged' me (whatever that is) and I'm supposed to write 10 of life's simplest pleasures (I think)
- Hattie told me she reads my blog
- I actually finished my reading for my class tomorrow and I'm waiting for brochures to print in the office, meaning that I have extra 'screen time' right now.

I must get back to the reason for this post - 10 of life simplest pleasures:

- laughing or smiling with one other person in a room full of people when only the two of you know (or are aware) of what is humerous or funny
- the smell of freshly cut grass
- the smell of fall leaves
- a good joke
- a clean desk (I wouldn't know from personal experience)
- going somewhere you've never been before (either around the world or around the block)
- a cute kid
- playing with a puppy
- finishing a good book
- having a good friend call when you have time to talk

hmmm - I think I'm supposed to 'tag' a few others: rachdm, Scharn, the Artist Stares Back, Savoring the Sweet Tea, Lauren Winner (one can only hope!)


Blogger Tracy said...

hey - I read your blog too!! =)

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto on, verbatim ditto (is that redundant, to say "verbatim ditto"?)

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY! I tag you, and then I check and I check...and then, miraculously, you've updated! Rather than subscribing, I guess I operate on the "surprise" mode -- and it's delightful to read your 10 simple pleasures...

--Kat :-)

8:32 PM  

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