Oh Tannenbaum

This Advent I've been enjoying (and obsessed with) Christmas music - it's all that I've been listening to for weeks now. Right now the song 'O Tannenbaum' is playing, and it makes me think of our wonderful Christmas Tree :).
My housemates and I had complete intentions of getting a tree, but it wasn't happening (schedule-wise - between finishing up grad school, grad school applications and a yucky virus, each of us have had our tough weeks). But Saturday afternoon I was driving home from a baby shower, and decided to get a tree. An impulse-buy of sorts, but I had bought a tree stand the previous evening.
I quickly found a tree place, and what I thought was a pretty nice tree. The gentleman at the tree place packed it into my tiny Saturn, and off I went. Then I started to think about getting home - once I got there, how would I get the tree into my house, then into its stand? Thankfully, Kat was home and saved the day. With great delight, we put up the tree and arranged it, then Kat went back to work. I've had fun over the past few days adding lights and decorations - all it needs is a star or angel on the top.
In honor of our tree and the wonderful Christmas music:
O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum, wie treu sind deine blätter.
Du gr¨nst nicht nur zur sommerzeit, nein auch I’m winter wenn es schneit.
O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum, wie treu sind deine blätter.
O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum, du kannst mir sehr gefallen.
Wie oft hat nicht zur winterszeit
Ein baum von dir mich hoch erfreut!
O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum, du kannst mir sehr gefallen.
O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum, dein kleid will mich was lehren:
Die hoffnung und bestandigkeit
Gibt trost und kraft zu jeder zeit.
O tannenbaum, o tannenbaum, dein kleid will mich was lehren.
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